So where do you work, when you're a voiceover artist?
The beauty of being a French voiceover artist is all the different locations you get to record from. Yes, often you're on your own in a darkly-lit booth totally - especially nowadays - but let me tell you more!
My career as voiceover artist started 16 years ago when mostly, no one had a recording home studio. Whilst I love being able to record from the comfort of my own studio, I got to visit many studios and work with many brilliant voiceover artists in the room as well as sound engineers and voiceover sessions directors. And I loved it for how much you get to learn that way, the energy & the social aspect of it.
Here are the locations I have recorded from:
Audio Post Production West End post-production studios
You usually get to record at these studios for adverts. They are very fancy studios in expensive London locations where most feature films sound mixing and ADR get done. You are always greeted by a lovely receptionist or two who make sure your arrival is announced to the studio team or producer you'll be working with. Then an equally lovely runner will offer you a drink. I tend to arrive early to have a herbal tea and get a chance to prepare the script if it hasn't been sent in advance, or just chill and enjoy the moment. My favourite Soho post-production studios are Wave, Grand Central, SNK, Jungle, Clearcut, Jungle & 750mph.
Film & Television filming studios
For ADR sessions ('Automated Dialogue Replacement', aka loop group sessions for movies or TV Drama actors improvise dialogue that suits the context of the scene), I've always gone to film studios or post production houses in the West End. The sessions last half-days or all day. The fun part about these sessions is that you'll be working with many fellow French voiceover artists, and you get to improvise all day & learn from each other, and of course have a nice catch up during breaks.
I've recorded at Pinewood Studios, Twickenham Studios & Molinare Studios in London's West End.
Your home recording studio
This is where I principally record now, especially since the lockdown happened. I'll either record by myself and send the files to the client or my agent. Or it's a live session that includes the client & producer logging into the session. In that case a studio engineer will remotely record me via Source Connect or an SLP link (Session Link Pro) that they'll send me in advance. I always record from my end too as a backup. To be able to hear the team on, I'll log into either a Zoom link, or Microsoft Teams meeting from my smartphone. I have not been asked to log into Skype for years but it used to be the way!
Someone else's home recording studio
When your house is being refurbished and you've had to leave for a little while, a good friend - usually a fellow London voiceover artist with a home recording studio can do you a massive favour and save you losing a job by letting you record at their home studio :-) It happened to me 4 months ago when a client of mine needed a short e-learning course recorded.
An improvised set up in your holiday hotel room
An eventful, often funny looking short-lived set-up. I take a travel recording kit with me when I go away for more than 4 days. Whilst in Greece last year, I had to record a strategy 2 minutes corporate video for a regular client. My husband and I lifted the mattress, got it to rest against the wall, used a duvet to close one side's gap, a blanket for the other, and pillows on the floor. It worked but you couldn't sustain working that way very long as it gets too hot under the set up after a while even with air conditioning in the room. In this industry, we often have to do recording tests before obtaining a job and that has happened many times whilst on holiday. I'm always happy to do the tests. Especially when you get the job, and you get to record it once back at home in the comfort of your studio!
Your agency's recording studio
The top London voiceover agencies have their own recording studios that they hire to clients. I love the opportunity to record there. The two I go to the most often are Soho Voices and AnotherTongue. Not only are the sound engineers the friendliest of people who always help get the best performance out of you, it is priceless to be able to meet the agents at the office who book you for work. No matter how remotely we can work, a human touch and meeting face-to-face always wins.
As a voiceover artist, you can indeed work from anywhere in the world but setting up a new recording space represents a few challenges to be ready for.
However, once you've invested in your home studio, become astute in self-directing and very capable of recording yourself and editing, nothing beats your own place. Unless I’m being called to a Soho studio that is…
À bientôt les amis

Angélique Talio is a highly experienced French-born voiceover artist In London, who works in both French & English. She was the voice for the New Renault Clio in the UK & Boohoo in France for years. I am based in London but work with clients in France, USA, Canada and throughout the world. Find out more >